Bark App Review: Uncover the Pros, Cons & Features

Bark App Review: Uncover the Pros, Cons & Features

profile picture of Allie Tsai

Allie Tsai

Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Bark App, a popular parental control app that offers advanced monitoring and filtering features to help parents keep track of their children’s online activity. In this section, we will delve into the benefits, drawbacks, and notable features of the Bark App, to give you a clear picture of its effectiveness and suitability for your family’s needs. We will cover everything from its functionality and usability to its pricing and customer support, to help you make an informed decision about whether the Bark App is right for you. So, let’s get started and explore the world of Bark App!

Are you tired of wondering what your child is doing online and whether they are exposed to harmful content or dangerous situations? If so, the Bark App may be the solution you are looking for. With its advanced monitoring and filtering tools, the Bark App can help you keep your child safe from cyberbullying, sexting, and other online threats. But is it really worth the investment? Let’s find out in this comprehensive review of the Bark App.

What is Bark App?

Bark App is a parental control application designed to monitor and manage a child’s online activity. It is available for download on various devices and platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS. With Bark App, parents can keep track of their child’s internet usage and receive alerts if any potential threats or risks are detected.

One of the standout features of Bark App is its ability to monitor various digital platforms, including social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It can also track texts, emails, and web browsing history, giving parents a comprehensive view of their child’s online behavior.

Bark App uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze a child’s activity, looking for signs of cyberbullying, sexting, drug use, and other concerning behavior. When it identifies potential issues, the app sends alerts to the parent’s device, allowing them to take appropriate action.

How to Use Bark App?

The Bark App is a user-friendly parental control tool that can be easily set up and customized to fit your family’s needs. Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Download and install the app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Create an account by entering your email and password.
  3. Add your child’s device by following the on-screen instructions. Depending on the device type, you may need to install additional software.
  4. Activate the monitoring features that you want to use, such as social media monitoring, text message alerts, or screen time management.
  5. Set up your preferences, such as notifications, time restrictions, and content filtering.
  6. Start monitoring your child’s online activity and receive alerts when potential risks are detected.

It is important to note that the Bark App requires access to your child’s device and accounts in order to monitor their activity. Make sure to discuss this with your child and obtain their consent before installing the app.

Once the app is installed and activated, it runs in the background and continuously monitors your child’s online activity. You can access the activity reports and alerts through your account dashboard on the Bark website or mobile app.

Bark App Features and Benefits

The Bark App comes packed with a range of useful features and benefits that help parents to monitor and manage their children’s online activities. Here are some of the key features that make Bark App stand out from other parental control apps:

Content Filtering

One of the most important features of the Bark App is its advanced content filtering system which can block access to inappropriate websites, apps, and social media platforms. This feature is especially useful for parents who want to restrict their children’s access to explicit content and protect them from online predators.

Screen Time Management

The Bark App also allows parents to set specific time limits for their children’s device usage. This helps to prevent excessive screen time and ensure that children are not spending too much time on their devices at the expense of other important activities such as homework, exercise, or social interaction.

Online Activity Monitoring

With the Bark App, parents can keep track of their children’s online activities in real-time. The app monitors everything from text messages and social media posts to emails and online searches, alerting parents if any suspicious activity or potential danger is detected.

Comprehensive Alerts

The Bark App provides detailed alerts to parents when it detects any potential risks or dangers, helping them to take immediate action to protect their children. The alerts cover a wide range of issues including cyberbullying, sexting, depression, drug use, and more.

Overall, the Bark App provides parents with a comprehensive suite of tools to help them keep their children safe online. Its advanced features and real-time monitoring capabilities make it an effective and reliable choice for parents who want to stay informed and in control of their children’s digital lives.

Bark App Drawbacks and Limitations

The Bark App is a powerful monitoring tool that helps parents keep their children safe online. However, like any app, it has its limitations and drawbacks that must be considered before using it. Some of the main concerns include:


One of the most common complaints about the Bark App is its accuracy. While the app does a good job of detecting potential threats, it is not 100% accurate and may miss some serious issues. This can lead to a false sense of security and potentially dangerous situations.

Reliability Issues

Another concern is its reliability. Some users have reported issues with the app’s performance and stability, such as false positives, slow processing times, and frequent crashes. These issues can be frustrating and may impact the overall effectiveness of the app.

Impact on Privacy and Autonomy

Some critics argue that the Bark App may infringe on children’s privacy and autonomy. The app monitors all online activity, including private messages and social media posts, which may make children feel like they are not trusted. It may also limit their ability to explore and learn independently online, which can have long-term negative effects.

Despite these concerns, the Bark App remains a popular tool for parents looking to monitor their children’s online activity. By being aware of its limitations and drawbacks, parents can make informed decisions about whether the app is right for their family.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about the Bark App.

Is Bark App legal?

Yes, the Bark App is legal. The app is designed to help parents monitor their children’s online activities and protect them from potential online dangers. However, it’s important to note that privacy laws may vary between countries and states, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the laws in your area.

How much does Bark App cost?

Bark App offers various pricing plans depending on your needs. The basic plan starts at $14 per month for one device and includes features such as online monitoring and screen time management. The more advanced plans provide additional features such as social media monitoring and text message monitoring. Visit their website for more information on their pricing plans.

Can Bark App monitor social media?

Yes, Bark App can monitor social media on your child’s device. The app has the ability to monitor various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. It can also detect potential dangerous activities such as cyberbullying and online predators.

What devices are compatible with Bark App?

Bark App is compatible with devices running on iOS and Android operating systems. It can also be used on computers running on Windows and Mac operating systems. The app also supports various social media platforms and messaging apps.

How accurate is Bark App?

The accuracy of Bark App’s monitoring depends on various factors such as the quality of internet connection and the complexity of the content being monitored. However, the app uses advanced algorithms and AI to detect potential online dangers and can provide alerts to parents in real-time.

What are some of the common complaints about Bark App?

Some users have reported that the app can be slow and may cause their devices to run slower. Others have noted that the app may not be able to detect certain types of content such as encrypted messages or videos. Some users have also expressed concerns about the app’s impact on their child’s privacy and autonomy.

What do users and experts say about Bark App in 2022?

User and expert reviews of Bark App have been generally positive, with many praising the app’s effectiveness in monitoring online activities and protecting children from potential dangers. However, some users have noted that the app may have limitations in detecting certain types of content. Overall, Bark App remains a popular choice for parents looking for a comprehensive and reliable parental control app.