Sometimes, it may be required to trace out the details of our closed ones. This is especially necessary for parents of teenagers. The good thing is that it is possible to find out the cell phone call history of a person by being at your place itself.
If you want to keep in touch with your closed one, here is the solution. Yes, you do not need to be physically present with your close ones to view their activities. There are many apps available in the market these days to search cell phone call history online for free. These apps are designed in such a way that, you can trace out any details like cell phone call history online, messages and etc. If you have downloaded this app into the target person’s mobile, each and every detail of that person will be tracked on your mobile. However, it is also necessary to check the comfort level of the app with your mobile phone.
- Part 1: How to Check my Cell Phone Call History?
- Part 2: How to Check Other Cell Phone’s Call History?
Part 1: How to Check my Cell Phone Call History?
Now, it becomes very easy to view cell phone history. Just be relaxed. This section will answer your queries on how to check my cell phone call history. With these steps, you can instantly view the call history of your cell phone. Call logs will be displayed in order. You will get additional details like contact names, phone numbers, time, call duration, cell phone call history, and types of calls.
How to View Phone Records?
This is a challenging thing; you can only keep a limited track of phone records on your mobile, probably for a few days. However, we will tell you that how to check my cell phone call history is possible easily by following any of the below-mentioned tips.
There are many ways to Get Phone Records and how to check my cell phone call history through your own phone records or through your service provider. Let’s go through a few of them below
- When you receive the cell phone bill on a monthly basis, you will get the activities of cell phone with the charge for the calls. Here you can view your cell phone call history.
- The next solution could be to sign it to the service provider of cell phone in website through your account. Register formally and you will get the password to the iPhone for the confirmation.Login to the website using username and password. Choose the option “Billing and Payment”. Now select the “Call history” and you can check your call history.

- If you want the past 8 months call history, you can call or request your service provider for cell phone to send. You will get the printed record either in mail or courier.

- In case you have a prepaid number, getting history of your cell phone may be cumbersome as some service providers need written request for same or even some deny until a court order and a written confirmation that you are the owner of the phone number. The request has to include your complete name, address, phone number and also the IMEI number of your cell phone. The requirements may vary from one service provider to the other.
Part 2: How to Check Other Cell Phone’s Call History?
Checking the cell phone call history sometimes becomes necessary. However, it is not an easy thing. How can you get the call logs details of another cell phone, if both of you are being at different places? If you have any doubt about your closed one’s activities and you want to immediately find out the contact list of that person, here is your solution. Tracing is the only way to do cell phone call history online free app. Keep in mind that, they should not come to know that, you are going to trace them. Being careful in this thing is very important. There are two methods with which you can trace out the cell phone’s call history without their knowledge.
Method 1: View someone’s cell phone call history with Phone Spy Tool:
With this method, you should download the Spy tool into the target phone’s cell phone call history. This Spy tool stores the cell phone call history online free app of the target mobile. You can view them instantly on your mobile and you will get information regarding how to check my cell phone call history?
- Download App.
- Register App.
- Log into Dashboard
- Execute Remote commands.

Method 2 – How to view others’ cell phone call history with Spyzie?
Spyzie is the best app to trace out the call history. Spyzie software lets you view the complete history of all calls including incoming, outgoing including phone numbers, contact names, dates, times, and duration. How to check my cell phone call history? View all voice call logs. As tracking software, it enables you to access the phone’s call logs. In the end, you can confirm the contact information of your target. As an add-on service, it also provides the ways to get the phone number to which the target person has called, days, date, and time duration. You will get the whole history of the target person via IM. Some people may not be true to the closed ones. In order to overcome the fear about our closed one, just install this cell phone call history online free app into your device.
It is important to keep the app invisible to the target person. They shouldn’t know that you are tracing their details. This Spyzie app allows you to do that easily and learn to know how to check your cell phone call history?
- It helps the Organizations.
- It enables you to know even if they deleted something from their mobile.
Steps to Download Spyzie App:
- Download Spyzie App from the trusted website.
- Register your device with that app through email account.
- Go for the calls option to view your call log history or other’s call log history.
Now, don’t worry about the safety of your children. If you have finished the downloading process of Spyzie, you will get the whole cell phone call history of the second person right at your fingertips.